San Antonio Zoo!

Our Animals

The San Antonio Zoo in Texas has many attractions and animals. The animals displayed in the Slideshow up above are from the jut a tip of the iceburg on what the San Antonio zoo has to offer. There are many habitats and animals in the San Antonio Zoo. The San Antonio Zoo has over +750 species and over 3,500 animals on Site.

  1. Addax
  2. Addra gazelle
  3. African crested porcupine
  4. African lion
  5. African pygmy goat
  6. African wild dog
  7. Asian elephant
  8. Francois' langur
  9. Bat-eared fox
  10. Black howler monkey
  11. Black-and-white ruffed lemur
  12. Black-footed cat
  13. Black-handed spider monkey
  14. Black-tailed prairie dog
  15. Blue duiker
  16. Babirusa
  17. Black mangabey
  18. Bush dog
  19. Capybara
  20. Cheetah
  21. Coati
  22. Colobus monkey
  23. Common squirrel
  24. monkey
  25. Common warthog
  26. Common zebra
  27. Cotton-headed tamarin
  28. Fishing cat
  29. Fossa
  30. Geoffroy's marmoset
  31. Giant anteater
  32. Giraffe
  33. Goeldi's monkey
  34. Golden lion tamarin
  35. Golden-bellied mangabey
  36. Golden-headed tamarin
  37. Goodfellow's tree-kangaroo
  38. Hippopotamus
  39. Jaguar
  40. Kinkajou
  41. Kirk's dik-dik
  42. Malayan tapir
  43. Lemur
  44. Linne's two-toed sloth
  45. Naked mole-rat
  46. Nine-banded armadillo
  47. North American black bear
  48. Northern tamandua
  49. Northern tree shrew
  50. Nubian ibex
  51. Ocelot
  52. Okapi
  53. Oriental small-clawed otter
  54. Pale-headed saki
  55. Parma wallaby
  56. Pied tamarin
  57. Prevost's squirrel
  58. Red kangaroo
  59. Red river hog
  60. Red ruffed lemur
  61. Reeves' muntjac
  62. Ringtail cat
  63. Short-tailed fruit bat
  64. South American tapir
  65. Southern white rhinoceros
  66. Spectacled bear
  67. Speke's gazelle
  68. Spotted hyena
  69. Sumatran tiger
  70. Topi Vietnamese pot-bellied pig
  71. White-cheeked gibbon
  72. White-throated capuchin
  73. Wolf's guenon
  74. Yellow-backed duiker
  75. Yellow-footed rock-wallaby
  1. American common goldeneye
  2. American flamingo
  3. American white pelican
  4. Andean tinamou
  5. Antillean euphonia
  6. Attwater's prairie chicken
  7. Australian shelduck
  8. Australian wood duck
  9. Bahama pintail duck
  10. Bali/Rothschild's mynah
  11. Bananaquit
  12. Banded rail Bar-headed goose
  13. Bartlett's dove
  14. Bateleur eagle
  15. Black and white mannikin
  16. Black swan
  17. Black-billed whistling duck
  18. Black-necked stork
  19. Black-necked swan
  20. Black-throated laughingthrush
  21. Blue ground dove
  22. Blue ground pigeon
  23. Blue-bellied kingfisher
  24. Blue-bellied roller
  25. Blue-grey tanager
  26. Blue-winged goose
  27. Boat-billed heron
  28. Brazilian teal
  29. Bruce's green pigeon
  30. Buff-crested bustard
  31. Bush stone curlew
  32. Cattle egret
  33. Chestnut teal
  34. Chilean flamingo
  35. Chiloe wigeon
  36. Chinese hwamei
  37. Cinnamon teal
  38. Cockatiel
  39. Common barn owl
  40. Common crowned pigeon
  41. Common shama thrush
  42. Congo peacock
  43. Coscoroba swan
  44. Crested pigeon
  45. Crested screamer
  46. Crested wood partridge
  47. Croaking ground dove
  48. Demoiselle crane
  49. Diamond dove
  50. Double-barred finch
  51. Double-wattled cassowary
  52. East African crowned crane
  53. Eastern rosella
  54. Eastern screech owl
  55. Egyptian plover
  56. Emerald starling
  57. Emu
  58. European wood pigeon
  59. Fairy bluebird
  60. Forsten's lorikeet
  61. Fulvous whistling duck
  62. Giant kingfisher
  63. Gold coast turaco
  64. Golden-breasted starling
  65. Gouldian finch
  66. Great blue turaco
  67. Greater flamingo
  68. Green aracari
  69. Green junglefowl
  70. Green oropendola
  71. Green winged macaw
  72. Green-naped lory
  73. Green-winged dove
  74. Grey-winged trumpeter
  75. Guam rail
  76. Guira cuckoo
  77. Hadada ibis
  78. Hammerkop
  79. Hill mynah
  80. Hooded crane
  81. Hooded merganser
  82. Hottentot teal
  83. Inca tern
  84. Lady Ross's turaco
  85. Laughing gull
  86. Lavender finch
  87. Laysan teal
  88. Lesser bird-of-paradise
  89. Lesser vasa parrot
  90. Little blue heron
  91. Madagascar partridge
  92. Madagascar teal
  93. Magpie goose
  94. Magpie shrike
  95. Maguari stork
  96. Malay great argus
  97. Malayan peacock pheasant
  98. Manchurian crane
  99. Marabou stork
  100. Marbled teal
  101. Mauritius pink pigeon
  102. Metallic starling
  103. Guam kingfisher
  104. Military macaw
  105. Moluccan radjah shelduck
  106. Musk lorikeet
  107. Namaqua dove
  108. New Guinea masked plover
  109. Nicobar pigeon
  110. North American ruddy duck
  111. North American wood duck
  112. Obi violet-necked lory
  113. Ocellated turkey
  114. Orange cheeked waxbill
  115. Orange-cheeked waxbill
  116. Ostrich
  117. Painted stork
  118. Palawan peacock pheasant
  119. Palm cockatoo
  120. Peruvian thick-knee
  121. Pied crow
  122. Pied imperial pigeon
  123. Plumed whistling duck
  124. Purplish jay
  125. Rainbow lorikeet
  126. Red bird-of-paradise
  127. Red bishop
  128. Red-and-yellow barbet
  129. Red-billed whistling duck
  130. Red-capped cardinal
  131. Red-crested finch
  132. Red-crested pochard
  133. Redhead duck
  134. Red-legged honeycreeper
  135. Red-legged seriema
  136. Ringed teal
  137. Rose-ringed parakeet
  138. Rosybill
  139. Rothschild's peacock-pheasant
  140. Sacred ibis
  141. Salvin's pigeon
  142. Sandhill crane
  143. Scarlet ibis
  144. Scarlet macaw
  145. Secretary bird
  146. Snowy-crowned robin-chat
  147. Snowy egret
  148. Speckled mousebird
  149. Speckled pigeon
  150. Spectacled owl
  151. Stanley crane
  152. Sunbittern
  153. Sun conure
  154. Superb starling
  155. Swainson's lorikeet
  156. Swan geese
  157. Taveta golden weaver
  158. Tawny frogmouth
  159. Vasa parrot
  160. Victoria crowned pigeon
  161. Violet-backed starling
  162. Wattled crane
  163. West African crowned crane
  164. White stork
  165. White-bellied bustard
  166. White-bellied stork
  167. White-crested laughing thrush
  168. White-crowned pigeon
  169. White-faced whistling duck
  170. White-headed buffalo weaver
  171. White-naped crane
  172. White-naped raven
  173. White-winged wood duck
  174. Whooping crane
  175. Wreathed hornbill
  176. Yellow-breasted ground dove
  177. Zebra dove
  1. African mud turtle
  2. African rock python
  3. Aldabra tortoise
  4. Alligator snapping turtle
  5. Amazon tree boa
  6. American alligator
  7. Angolan python
  8. Armenian viper
  9. Armstrong’s dusky rattlesnake
  10. Aruba island rattlesnake
  11. Ball python
  12. Banded alligator
  13. lizard
  14. Banded rock rattlesnake
  15. Black milk snake
  16. Black wood turtle
  17. Bull snake
  18. Caatinga lancehead
  19. Cagle's map turtle
  20. California kingsnake
  21. Chinese crocodile lizard
  22. Coahuilan box turtle
  23. Corn snake
  24. Cross-banded rattlesnake
  25. Cuban false chameleon
  26. Cuvier’s iguana
  27. Dumeril's ground boa
  28. Dunn's hognose viper
  29. Durango mountain kingsnake
  30. Dwarf caiman
  31. Dwarf crocodile
  32. East African green mamba
  33. Eastern box turtle
  34. Egyptian cobra
  35. Emerald alligator lizard
  36. Eyelash palm-pitviper
  37. Fischer's chameleon
  38. Gaboon viper
  39. Gharial
  40. Giant Mexican horned lizard
  41. Giant South American river turtle
  42. Green anaconda
  43. Green tree python
  44. Grey-banded kingsnake
  45. Guatemalan palm viper
  46. Habu
  47. Hamilton’s pond turtle
  48. Humantlan rattlesnake
  49. Indian flapshell turtle
  50. King cobra
  51. Komodo dragon
  52. Madagascar ground boa
  53. Malaysian painted terrapin
  54. Mang Mountain viper
  55. March's palm-pitviper
  56. Matamata
  57. Mexican beaded lizard
  58. Mexican black-tailed pitviper
  59. Mexican giant musk turtle
  60. Mexican ground alligator lizard
  61. Mexican lance-headed rattlesnake
  62. Mexican milksnake
  63. Mexican pygmy rattlesnake
  64. Mexican twin-spotted rattlesnake
  65. Mixtecan alligator lizard
  66. Mottled rock rattlesnake
  67. New Mexico ridge-nosed rattlesnake
  68. Nile crocodile
  69. Northern blue-tongued skink
  70. Northwestern Neotropical rattlesnake
  71. Oaxacan alligator lizard
  72. Olmec viper
  73. Orinoco crocodile
  74. Prehensile-tailed skink
  75. Querétaro dusky rattlesnake
  76. Radiated tortoise
  77. Red spitting cobra
  78. Red-eared slider
  79. Reticulated python
  80. Rhinoceros ratsnake
  81. Rhinoceros viper
  82. Rosy boa
  83. Rowley's palm-pitviper
  84. Russian blunt-nosed viper
  85. San Luis mountain kingsnake
  86. Savu Island python
  87. Sheltopusik
  88. Snub-nosed viper
  89. Southern lined pine snake
  90. Southern ridge-nosed rattlesnake
  91. Snub-nosed viper
  92. Southern lined pine snake
  93. Southern ridge-nosed rattlesnake
  94. Southern Sierra Madre spiny lizard
  95. Speckled palm pitviper
  96. Spiny-tailed monitor
  97. Standing's day gecko
  98. Tamaulipan flat rock lizard
  99. Tamaulipan rock rattlesnake
  100. Taylor’s cantil
  101. Tentacled snake
  102. Terciopelo
  103. Texas slider
  104. Texas spiny lizard
  105. Texas tortoise
  106. Thai bamboo ratsnake
  107. Tomistoma
  108. Trans-Pecos ratsnake
  109. Vogel’s river turtle
  110. West African green mamba
  111. Western cottonmouth
  112. Western diamondback rattlesnake
  113. Western hognose snake
  114. Western painted turtle
  115. Yellow sided twist-necked turtle
  116. Yellow-spotted
  117. Amazon river turtle
  1. African bullfrog
  2. American bullfrog
  3. Axolotl
  4. Black-spotted newt
  5. Dyeing dart frog
  6. Emperor newt
  7. European fire salamander
  8. Giant marine toad
  9. Golden frog
  10. Golden mantella
  11. Green toad
  12. Green tree frog
  13. Green-and-black poison arrow frog
  14. Gulf Coast toad
  15. Japanese giant salamander
  16. Mexican burrowing frog
  17. Mexican dumpy frog
  18. Puerto Rican crested toad
  19. Red-eyed tree frog
  20. Red-spotted toad
  21. Rio Grande leopard frog
  22. Rio Grande siren
  23. Sierra Madre salamander
  24. Couch 's spadefoot toad
  25. Texas toad
  26. Tiger salamander
  27. Vietnamese mossy frog
  28. White's tree frog
  29. Yellow-banded poison arrow frog
  30. Yellow-striped caecilian